Have you been dealing with chronic lower back pain, tight neck muscles, or pregnancy soreness?
Our massage techniques lessen all of these pain types and more at Straight Up Chiropractic. From widely used methods applicable for most back muscles to context-specific massage sessions, it’s our goal to provide a massage experience that creates lasting relief from discomfort. See below for details about our massage techniques and benefits in Tigard.
Benefits of Massage Therapy in Tigard
There are numerous benefits to the various forms of massage therapy, ranging from popular Swedish massage techniques to athlete-specific recommendations and more. Often the most immediate benefit of massaging is pain and tension relief. Emotional and mental stress may build up over time throughout daily life, and without realizing it, your body may be carrying this stress as physical manifestations. Examples of such manifestations may include a pinched nerve, tight shoulder muscles, a sore back, or persistent lethargy. All these issues and more can be resolved through our massage services at Straight Up Chiropractic.
Licensed Massage Therapists
Our Licensed Massage Therapists are here to help you reach your specific goals of healing and wellness. They combine their clinical education with compassionate communication in order to provide the most effective massage tailored to each individual patient.
They offer a range of different types of massages including Therapeutic and Spa massage. They also specialize in pre-natal, cupping and MVA post-accident recovery. Our ultimate goal is to help you find relief and a renewed sense of wellbeing.
Types of Massage Therapy
Just as there are numerous benefits from massages, we utilize different types of massage services to achieve your desired result. The most popular type of massage, which many techniques are based on, is the Swedish massage. This method includes a comprehensive application of five different stroke types to ensure the muscle(s) in question are fully relaxed. We also offer sports massage therapy, deep tissue massage, and pregnancy massages, among others.
Continual Practice Improvement
One of the great parts about scientific research is that additional information related to the human body and how to help it heal is always emerging. Our two practitioners, Dr. Halsy and Dr. Rhodes, consistently consume new information about improvements in massage and chiropractic care. We believe that every patient—from those experiencing sudden inconveniences to chronic health conditions—deserves to enjoy life to the fullest every day. We strive to be at the top of our game so you can be at the top of yours.
Want to experience the relief and comfort that our massage chirotherapy in Tigard, OR, can provide? Click here to schedule an appointment online. We look forward to serving you!
9:00am - 3:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00 am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Straight Up Chiropractic
12700 SW North Dakota Street #180
Tigard, OR 97223
Phone: (503) 716-8281
Fax: (503) 716-8783